Monday, March 7, 2011


So the worst thing about moving residences so late in the year is that I haven't yet gotten a chance to fully explore my new 'hood'.
Sure, I've stepped into the Galleria Mall for the occasional grocery item or can or two of beer at the Liquor Store, and I'm quite familiar with the area south of me. It's just I haven't been feeling the urge to cut through slushy ice-covered alleys and rail corridors in minus 20 degree weather quite yet.
Bloor and Lansdowne, despite the influx of art galleries and high end vintage stores is still 'stankly' familiar from having lived there with my brother back in the day, and being my mother's place of residence for a dozen plus years. I won't lie though: until I moved here I never realized how beautiful sunsets by the water tower and factory skylines by Wallace and Lansdowne are.
Dupont running west from me is interesting for how old-timey and North York-like its plazas appear. Approaching old Weston road in that area is like being transported to a Bizarro Detroit. And don't even get me started on the Old Weston Flea Market! That will be its own separate blog entry in the near future, be assured.
For the time being I take comfort in the knowledge there's two train lines within walking distance, with the major one visible right from my balcony. I'm actually really looking forward to relaxing on warm spring and summer afternoons with a few tallboys, scoping out the burners on freights rolling by throughout the day. Infact, the other day I started noting what times of the day the trains pass across the street, and started contemplating looking up the actual schedules on line..